More Fame for Sushi Gone Wild
Check out the official blog for Vancouver’s Red Bull Flugtag event – because Team Sushi Gone Wild and The Wild Sushi are IN IT!
Official Vancouver Flugtag Blog
Also, you can check out what the other Vancouver Flugtag teams are up to.
Muchos gracias to Joanna, the Flugtag Pilot Liaison, for pimping Sushi Gone Wild on her blog.
Additional thanks to Joanna for bringing the photo below to our attention – it totally captures the essence of The Wild Sushi! Much laughter ensued after viewing it 🙂
Introducing…The Wild Sushi
If you’ve been wondering how this and this would fit together to form Sushi Gone Wild’s entry in Vancouver’s Red Bull Flugtag competition, I now present the main structure of THE WILD SUSHI…
…wait for it…

A side view of The Wild Sushi even impresses the dog.

Adrienne visualizes how far The Wild Sushi will fly!
Chariots of Fish?
Flugtag is all about teamwork…
and looking silly, but that comes later.
Don’t mess with Jenny and her powertools!
The makings of a chariot?…or rickshaw?
Red Bull Flugtag: Some History
Being a part of Vancouver’s (and Canada’s) first Red Bull Flugtag event led Team Sushi Gone Wild to think about the history of which we will soon be a part.
Red Bull was created by Austrian Dietrich Mateschitz in 1987. To market the energy drink, the company went down an ‘untraditional’ route by sponsoring extreme sporting events aimed at youth. Sporting event sponsorships include motorsport, air racing, and of course, Flugtag.
The first Flugtag event took place in 1991 in Austria. Since then, many cities around the world have hosted Flugtag events, including London, Antwerp, Berlin and Johannesburg. It was only until 2002 when Flugtag landed in the United States in San Francisco. Vancouver is definitely ready to host Flugtag on August 19, 2006!
The Soda With Buzz (; 03.28.05)
Red Bull Wikipedia entry
Flugtag Wikipedia entry