The Wild Sushi: Red Bull Flugtag Vancouver 2006

Pre-Flight Preparations

Posted in The Event: Flugtag Vancouver by adrienne on the August 22nd, 2006

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Friday was supposed to be set-up day for all the teams, but Sushi Gone Wild got to set up on Thursday night because we were going to be on Citytv’s Breakfast Television on Friday morning!  At 7am!  7am…

Setting up the sushi was quite the rush, even with the extra forces (ie. available family members) that we called in for help.  Much yelling and stressing ensued that night as we tried to get The Wild Sushi to look TV-ready.  There was a lot of frantic shouting from our team that must’ve entertained the Red Bull production crew: “Get me a nut that fits!”, “I need a screw here!”, “Glue it!”, “Zip it down!”, etc.

Friday, August 18, 2006: Set-up Day 

Sushi Gone Wild was back on-site at False Creek bright and early (6:30am!) as we continued to prettify The Wild Sushi for its TV debut.  Since the team had called in sick to our bosses, we hope that they weren’t watching our live TV interview with Breakfast Television’s Tasha Chiu!  Five other teams were interviewed that morning, as well: Egg Man, The Blue Collar Bomber, Pirates of False Creek, Free Moustache Rides & Ballerz Club Ghetto Club.

The rest of Friday was spent putting yet more finishing touches on The Wild Sushi, watching the other teams set-up, doing more media interviews, and relaxing at the BBQ.

Pilot Elizabeth poses on her aircraft, The Wild Sushi
The Wild Sushi looked delightfully fluffy in front of pillow-like BC Place.

A view of The Wild Sushi from the top of the bleachers
The Wild Sushi looked tasty to The Butterfly team.

Red Bull gives you wiiings!
Planes!  Lest we forget that Flugtag is a flying contest…
Empty Red Bull Flugtag flight deck facing Science World
Not many people get to be on an empty Flugtag flight deck.

Empty Red Bull Flugtag flight deck facing the bleachers
Sushi Gone Wild would leave their mark on this deck on Saturday.

Saturday, August 19, 2006: Event Day

It was another gorgeous day to be at False Creek – Red Bull really lucked out on the weather.

Sushi Gone Wild started Event Day by blowing up more red balloons as roe on The Wild Sushi and as stuffing inside of Jenny’s and Katherine’s soy sauce and wasabi costumes.

The doors opened to the public at noon.  This was Sushi Gone Wild’s cue to work it for the crowds in our hangar.

Sushi Gone Wild in costumes

Left to right: Leonard as an avocado roll, Katherine as wasabi, Jenny as a soy sauce bottle, Elizabeth as a shrimp, & Adrienne as a salmon roll

We handed out some red helium balloons to people (read: cute kids) who stopped by our hangar in an effort to bribe SMS votes for us!

At 2pm, it was time for the teams to get in parade formation.  Sushi Gone Wild was #11 in line for take-off. 

Pretty soon, it was time for us to be on deck…

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